To be BothAnd
in an either/or

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Hi, I’m Mirjam

„Get comfortable with the idea to be BothAnd“

I am a certified executive coach by the International Coach Federation. I live by the rule of being BothAnd: A yoga instructor, coach and business women. 

Too often we feel like we need to decide: career OR family, city OR countryside, relaxing life OR successful. Especially we as women are often caught in between.
My mission is to change exactly that. I believe we are everything. Together we will find ways so you can feel whole – living your BothAnd instead of the either/or.


The BothAnd method

My method is influenced by three main directions,

I believe in the power of bringing those three fields together.

Through Yoga, we will dive into our unconsciousness and find out what we don’t know yet.

Through the classical coaching skills, I will ask laser sharp questions that will help you to reflect your own thoughts and actions.

My business and leadership experience will help me support you authentically. Having a Coaching and Yoga mindset as the foundation, we will find creative ways to solve your business problems together.


The values that represent BothAnd Coaching


Beeing free is one of my life mantras. Where are you holding yourself back? Together we will find ways to free you from old believes. 


I believe in the power of new experiences to help you step outside your comfort zone, expand your horizon and to reach your full potential.


Human connection is very important to me. Together we will activate the right brain through pictures and embodiment to connect to your unconsciousness.


My offer to you

If you feel like working together with me. Here is what I offer:

1:1 & Group Coachings

In 6-8 sessions we will work on your goals and go on a journey to discover your whole self using the BothAnd method.

Yoga & Meditation

In well balanced and tailor made yoga and meditation sessions I will help you & your team find back to your purpose and align you with your thoughts and actions.


Every year I offer retreats with different themes. Contact me to join!


Contact me


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